Taking a Breath

September is almost over…how are you doing? Have you taken a breath? With the start of the school year and extra curricular activities, I’ve needed to take several breaths! Good thing my Apple watch reminds me!

When I first got my Apple watch, I thought the “Breathe” function was the dumbest thing ever. I mean, seriously, who needs to be reminded to breathe? Well, it turns out, I do! Just the reminder buzzing on my wrist has helped me stop what I’m doing and take stock of how I’m doing. When I take a moment to check in with myself, I realize when I’m stressed or tired or becoming unfocused. Taking a few breaths helps me to relax, refocus and resume what I’m doing with more energy.

Knowing how you’re doing will help you with what you’re doing.

Yes, breathing can do that! Mindful breathing is like a mini-spa get away at a yoga retreat in the mountains of Colorado. Seriously.

But you need to take the time to take stock of how you’re doing. Because when someone asks, “How are you doing?” do we ever answer anything besides, “Fine, how are you?”

Probably not.

Most people (myself included) don’t check in with themselves to honestly answer the question of “How are you doing?” And that’s fine if you know the question is more of a greeting than a genuine question. But when you ask yourself that question, can you honestly answer it?

Take a breath.

Take a breath.

Take a breath.

How are you?


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