Fall Resolutions

I’ve always loved September! I loved getting new pencils and new notebooks and new school clothes (I love going to school!). I loved the smell of cooler weather and the softness of cardigans. I loved looking at the new school calendar and seeing all the days, unmarked with deadlines and activities - so full of potential.

September was always a month of new beginnings in my life - it’s my birth month, it’s the start of school, it’s the time for trees to shed their old leaves and prepare for a new growing cycle. So, when I think of resolutions, I don’t think of January 1st, I think of September 1st.

This September, one of my resolutions is to improve my communication methods. One way I am doing that is by updating this blog more frequently. I’m also planning to increase my activity on IG and FB.

My other resolution is to be more open and curious about events and people. Curiosity is an essential component of coaching but one that needs to be constantly honed through utilization. What should be noticed and wondered about? What might have some hidden meaning or purpose?

As we wait for the leaves to turn color, what thoughts or behaviors do you want to turn into something more useful, more beneficial in your life?


Taking a Breath