Nurturing your nature…


At REAL You Life Coaching, we want to “Nurture your Nature for REAL Life Success.” What does this mean? It’s as easy as ABC…

Your Nature means the REAL You that is:

  • Authentic

  • Brave

  • Connected

We Nurture the REAL You by:

  • Doing - life coaching is an active process

  • Elevating - lifting up your self-worth, self-determination and self-discovery

  • Focusing - honing in on your solutions and not your problems

  • Giving - creating a space where you feel safe to be the REAL You

REAL Life Success is defined by the REAL You.

Success can mean different things in different situations and to different people even in the same situation. Some people are already successful in one aspect of their life, but may be struggling in another aspect. As a REAL You Life Coaching client, you set the goal and we work together to achieve that goal.

Your goal might be the solution to the life equation you’re dealing with right now.

Life equations are times of change in our lives - some are positive, some a negative, some we want and some are forced on us, some may be internal, just involving us and our own frame of mind while some are external, involving family/friends/coworkers/boss and maybe even the larger community.

Change may be the only constant in life (according to the Greek philosopher, Heraclitus) however most of us have a difficult time accepting and/or adjusting to change.

There are also times in our lives when we want to change but have a difficult time doing so. Something holds us back despite the various methods we may have tried.

Not being able to solve your life equation leads to worry, sadness and dissatisfaction with your life.

Is becoming happier and more satisfied worth going to life coaching?

YES! Research has shown that being happier makes you healthier. Happier people have less stress and live longer; they have better immune systems, stronger hearts and can deal with physical and emotional pain better. Happier people are more productive, more socially connected and more professionally, relationally and educationally successful. (Check out these articles on the importance of happiness - here and here.)

REAL You Life Coaches use expertise from various disciplines to help you achieve the life you have always wanted to live and be the person you have always wanted to be.

Wondering how we can make this happen? Call now for a free 30-minute Curiosity Call and find out how REAL You Life Coaching can help you achieve the REAL life you deserve!

Need more information? Check out The REAL Program, The REAL HERstory, or find out more about me.

Still have questions? Check out the general FAQs about life coaching and the specific FAQs about life coaching with me.