FAQs About Life Coaching

What is life coaching and why do I need it?

Life coaching is for 

  • people who’s lives are OK, but they want it to be better

  • people who know their life can be better but they aren’t sure how to make it better

  • people who have tried to make their life better but haven’t had success in the ways they have tried

A life coach believes that YOU are the expert in your life and that change can only come from YOU. A life coach can help you identify the blocks that are preventing you from achieving that change. Life coaches are trained to help people investigate their lives and instigate improvements. Life coaches DO NOT diagnose or treat mental health illnesses and DO NOT prescribe medications. We will work with your therapist and/or prescriber to help you achieve your best life.

How is life coaching different than (mental health) counseling or therapy?

Counseling and therapy diagnose mental health disorders based on the DSM-V and prescribe treatment - insight oriented and/or behavioral - to alleviate the symptoms of these illnesses.  Life coaching doesn’t see the client as having a disorder therefore, the scope and framework of a life coach is different than that of a therapist/counselor.

How is life coaching different than consulting?

A consultant comes in as the expert in a specific field or issue and helps the client (an individual or company) fix a problem related to that expertise. Life coaches are not the experts in your life - YOU are! Our expertise lies in helping clients find their own solutions to the issues they want to address.

How is life coaching different than mentoring?

A mentor is someone who wants to help a client by sharing their own experience and how they solved it. Life coaches focus solely on their client and the client’s experience.  Because the coaching relationship doesn’t rely on a shared experience, coaches are able to help people from many different backgrounds with many different issues.

I read that anyone can become a life coach. How do I know that you’re legit?

Currently, life coaching (or transformation coaching or health coaching or executive coaching or any type of coaching) is unregulated. That means that unlike social work or psychology, there isn’t a state or federal mandate for certification or credentialing. Coaches come from a variety of backgrounds and bring a variety of expertise and experiences to their work. These coaches can and do help a lot of people.  Most coaches (like myself) complete coursework and training to get their coaching certification and to get more depth and breadth in the skills and methodology of coaching. Currently, there is also a (voluntary) credentialing for coaches through the International Coaching Federation that regulates the minimum number of hours of coursework, field work and supervision for coaches. 

As the client, it is up to you to decide what type of coach you feel comfortable working with. Some people don’t mind a coach without formal schooling but with the experience they feel would be helpful to them. Some people feel more comfortable with a coach who has had formal training. No matter their background, coaches should be committed to helping you solve the issues that are stopping you from living your best life.

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