Ctrl+Alt+Del = Success

Control+Alt+Delete are my three favorite buttons on the computer. Even though I have switched to using a Mac, command+option+escape doesn’t hold quite the same “je ne sais quoi” as ctrl+alt+del. When that color wheel of death starts spinning or the hour glass of eternity pops up, I know that something is not working right. Doing a “force quit” allows me see what programs are working and which ones are not responding. It also allows me to decide what I want to do with the ones that aren’t responding - wait it out or quit and start over.

Ctrl+Alt+Del can also be useful in real life.

Let’s pretend something isn’t going right in my life or I’m going through a life change. Maybe my job isn’t satisfying or my relationship is going through a rough spot. Or maybe I just had a baby or I just got a promotion that isn’t working out like I thought it should. In any of these scenarios, I might be feeling overwhelmed, anxious, confused, maybe even sad or angry or frustrated.

Here’s how Ctrl+Alt+Del can help:

1) Ctrl - control - what can I control in this scenario? What do I want to (re)gain control of? What is my priority/ies that would help me gain clarity as to what I want to be in control of?

2) Alt - alternative - is there an alternative to what is happening now? What choices do I have? What other resources do I have?

3) Del - delete - are there unnecessary things I can delete from this scenario? Is there something I can do without that would help make things better? Are there activities that I can say “no” to?

My answers to these questions will help focus on my priorities and what is within my control; help me to identify resources and choices that I can make; and help me to remove whatever it is that might be hindering my path to satisfaction, clarity and happiness.

Don’t let the spinning beach ball of death - a sign that something is not working for you - keep you from reaching your full potential or from making a transition. Pay attention to that sign then ctrl+alt+del to continue on to success!


Taking a Breath